
Welcome to The Power of Forever Photography

Christine and Chad, a talented married couple, have been exploring and capturing the beauty of the world through their eyes for over 15 years.  They bring a unique blend of passion, skill, and perspective to every shot, creating images that tell powerful stories.  Their art has been showcased in many books, magazines and online publications worldwide such as: Rolling Stone, Time, FHM, Forbes, Readers Digest, Scientific American, The Globe and Mail, National Geographic, National Geographic Kids, Lonely Planet, BuzzFeed, BBC Earth, Discover Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Marie Claire, The Onion, Global News Calgary, CBC, and Oprah.com.  

With a deep commitment to excellence, Christine and Chad use their expertise to craft photographs that transcend mere snapshots, capturing timeless moments that resonate with their viewers and document historical content with quality and accuracy.  Whether it’s a dramatic landscape, an intimate portrait, or a historical map, their art reflects both the technical precision and depth that define their approach to their art.

Historical Content Collection

Click image below to search and view our entire collection of high resolution historical illustrations, images, maps, sheet music and etchings available for licensing:

Click image below to view our portfolio with Getty Images

 Click image below to view our portfolio with iStockphoto

 The Power of Forever Photography on Instagram